The Collective

Power of Pockets
“Why do my clothes don’t have a pocket??” It is a fair assumption that more women have pondered this question in frustration more times than men. Pockets have always been a functional addition to apparel, and the design world has...
DIY Household Cleaners
A clean home helps to put the mind at ease, promote a healthy environment to work and play, and keep everyone in the household safe. However, many cleaning products that are on the market today are full of harmful chemicals...
Putting Green
Who doesn’t love mini golf? It’s great for an outing with family or friends, a memorable date, and… coming face to face with the harsh realities of humanity’s impact on the planet. The Putting Green, in Brooklyn, New York, has...
The Benefits of Meditation
Do you ever find yourself overwhelmed, stressed, or having anxiety throughout your daily routine? If not, please tell us your secret! On a serious note, particularly given the challenges that we as a species have collectively experienced over the past...
Cooperative Play
Cooperative play is a useful tool in creating an opportunity for children to learn various life skills through play. It enhances creative thinking and social skills amongst many others. Through experience, children learn lessons that are long-lasting in shaping their...
DIY: Tin Can-do!
Every year, over 1.5 million tons of waste is created from aluminum containers and cans being thrown into landfills rather than into recycling. However, aluminum cans are 100% recyclable, and there is no limit to how many times it can...
DIY: Rethink your old tops!
DIY: Rethink your old shirts into exciting new tops! Beat the heat with simple do-it-yourself designs. We all have old piled-up shirts that lie somewhere between “worn too many times” and “too good to throw away”. Repurposing old clothes is...
Increase your efficiency: save money and energy
Energy use powers our homes and our lives, from the first cup of coffee in the morning to the late night netflix before bed.  When you think of energy and electricity, the first word that probably comes to mind is...
Book Review Footwork
Book Review: Foot Work, What Your Shoes Are Doing to the World by Tansy E. Hoskins Sustainability in the fashion industry is a hot topic, but the spotlight remains firmly remains on clothes. The equally ubiquitous item, shoes, hardly get...
Sustainable Packaging
Sustainability does not stop at the product. Its packaging also carries an impact. And concerned customers are no longer keeping quiet. They often take to social media to name and shame companies that use single-use plastic and excess packaging. Meanwhile,...