Quality products made by survivors of human trafficking and those coming out of marginalized situations.

Human trafficking is a global problem that often goes unseen. It's estimated that 40 million people are currently trapped in some form of modern slavery, whether it's forced labor, sexual exploitation, or marriage. This hidden industry generates 150 billion dollars in profit each year, making it the second most profitable criminal enterprise in the world behind drug trafficking. By providing alternative livelihoods for their artisans, Made for Freedom helps them to thrive without exploitation.
Made for Freedom is committed to bringing you products made with dignity. They specifically engage with centers that work with women and girls who have been exploited and marginalized to provide them with the skills and wages they need to rebuild their lives. At these centers, victims of sex slavery and human trafficking learn that they have value, that they are capable, that they are loved, and that healing is possible. Their partners teach women not only to make the products they sell, but also how a business works, and how to use their skills to help others. When women are empowered by employment and education, the cycle of vulnerability and extreme poverty is broken for generations.

Many of their products are Fair Trade, eco-friendly, and organic.