Equiivalence - Flourish Planet


Ensures fair living wage for producers
Reduces the environmental impact
Created using handcrafted methods
Recycles resources
Made out of responsible materials
Biodegradable or environment friendly
Equiivalence is a sustainable jewelry brand that works with mindful designs making every piece a timeless collectible jewel. Their minimal, urbane and highly sophisticated designs are sure to make a statement. All products are responsibly made from recycled brass through every stage of the supply chain and handcrafted in India by skilled artisans from Jaipur who are the backbone of Equiivalence.



They are currently working with 3 male artisans from Jaipur. It was a complex process to create products from recycled brass, from convincing artisans to work with something different and more time-consuming, to constantly bringing them into confidence about using recycled brass, to making them understand the importance of being mindful, conscious about raw materials, and wastage.


Jewelry manufacturing itself produces so much metal wastage which can be reused. Their artisans buy the brass wastage from factories, draw wires and sheets which are later used to make jewelry. Through this practice, they are trying to reduce the consumption of virgin brass.